Grow in the Light Blog
Is your "monkey mind" driving you crazy?
Yes, monkeys may be cute, but we don't want them driving our car. Similarly, there may be some parts of your life (like a family member's choice or a looming health challenge) that you care deeply about but that you don't want to keep claiming so much time...
Are there magical moments that bring you feelings of joy and delight? We often rush those moments instead of embracing them and the stillness they can help restore to our neurological system. What can you savor that brings deligt to your life?
It's a common polarity. Am I enough or not enough? It can be an immobilizing struggle at times. As we grow and intentionally reflect, we can shift from black and white thinking to seeing and thinking about ourselves and others in full color, just like in the Wizard of Oz. What does it mean to you...
By knowing what it feels like in our spirit, body, heart, and mind to be aligned, we can come to a place of an aligned soul more often. What does it feel like for you?
Walking at a local nature park and observing the response to a destructive tornado years ago provides an example of how to respond to deep challenges in my own life.
This morning I made more of a connection between the teachings about the "natural man" and the human brain tendencies. It's so encouraging that learning more about my human brain can help me in activating my agency and putting off those natural tendencies so I can live in a higher and holier...
What does a warthog and a field of flowers have to do with my MRI? Watch and see!
Watch our Gathering of Light as we discuss the FOMO fear of living by the core values of others and the JOMO joy of living centered in our own core values. What is YOUR North Star, and how could a "filtering question" help you simplify?