Grow in the Light Blog

June 2024 Gathering: Your Monkey Mind and the Pythagoras Tree

Jun 27, 2024

Day 7...Fireflies and savoring delight

Jun 07, 2024

Day 8...Enough or Not Enough?

Jun 03, 2024

Day 6...What does alignment feel like?

May 21, 2024

"Growth Points" Feb 29, 2024
When we moved to Ohio in 2013, a tiny stick was growing in the backyard planter. It doubled and then tripped in size. Within a handful of years it had grown up to my second floor bedroom window, and a few years later I was shaded by the afternoon sun by our "tree of heaven." (Yes, that's its real...
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Grow in Integration gathering integration Feb 16, 2024

February 2024 Gathering of Light

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Agency, Autonomy, and Seat Belts Feb 09, 2024

I'm going to be vulnerable for a moment. Today I drove to the grocery store and home again without my seatbelt on. My car was even beeping at me to tell me to put my seatbelt on, and yet I did not. It was a very intentional choice. I have this defiant little girl inside that hollers quite loudly,...

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Sacrifice and the Comfort Zone in My Soul integration sacrifice Feb 06, 2024
In January I pondered about my wholeness and what I am willing to sacrifice to find wholeness. I've pondered what God teaches in his word about the law of sacrifice and what he wants me to be sacrificing. I understand that sacrifice is an important part of my covenant path journey as a disciple...
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Who's riding shotgun? holy spirit ifs integration Feb 01, 2024

Last Sunday I facilitated a discussion in our women's group at church. It was focused on how we can foster a constant companionship with the Holy Spirit as our guide. I totally get it that the word "constant" sets a pretty high expectation and makes the part of me that is afraid of failure start...

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My Identity Intertwined in Motherhood Jan 27, 2024

I went through pictures from the past 20 years as part of the My Identity Mosaic class I’m doing. It was a beautiful journey through nearly half of my life--through most of my mothering years. The whole rainbow of emotions came up. Some were of the emotions of the experiences that the...

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January 2024 Gathering--Grow in Wholeness Jan 25, 2024

What if you already have all you need for wholeness, happiness, and prosperity in your life?

Join our discussion about Micki's transformation and the journey of seeking wholeness within.

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December 2023 Gathering: Standing Still Dec 24, 2023

December 2023 Theme...

Grow in Action


What if the most important action you could take to transform your life is to BE STILL?


Join with other women of faith to discuss using our acgency in action and using our agency in stillness.
 You definately need this time to...
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I Believe Dec 15, 2023

I believe in God. I believe in God so deeply that I have a hard time imagining myself or my life without God at the center of it.


I also believe that God believes in me. And each of His daughters and sons. And I believe He believes in us so deeply that He would also have a hard time...

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Hydration from Living Water mistakes nourishment scriptures Oct 25, 2023
Have you every been really, really thirsty and experienced that exhilarating refreshment that comes from drinking deeply from fresh, cool water? I love that feeling.
True confession time. Even though I know and love that feeling, I have made a dismal effort to stay well hydrated this week....
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Sunday was a "Growth Day" acceptance divorce earthing emotions friends growth muddy middle Sep 09, 2023
Sunday was a "growth day." Not a beautiful floral bouquet kind of growth day, but a sweaty in your work clothes with your hands, elbows, and knees covered in mud and exhausted to the bone kind of growth day. neuro doc is amazing and one of my favorite guys on the planet. He...
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