
Hey, I'm Emily

I could not be more excited to share with you the life-changing resources and steadying mentorship you will find here at Grow in the Light.

I first felt called to this work in 2010, after completing my Master's degree in Family Life Education. But the blog I started then-called “Live in the Light”- gave way to twelve years more of personal growth and learning before the dream could come to fruition. In that time I experienced many joys, as well as intense challenges: raising and homeschooling my five children, living with a chronic neurological condition, practicing patience in healing from a stroke and coping with the differences it brought to my body, navigating complicated personal relationships including divorce and life as a single parent, and learning how to best support an LGBTQ child, all while evolving in my spiritual life and striving to understand my experiences and my purpose as a child of a loving God.

My earlier goal of sharing what I had researched and published as a scholar became the foundation for years of more intense and urgent personal study-about brain science, physical and emotional trauma, neuroplasticity, mental and emotional health, personal agency, healthy and unhealthy relationships, parenting styles, learning styles, and more. I have benefited from numerous mentors and teachers in that time, who have been lifelines of strength, courage, and guidance.

I've also found it increasingly necessary to tap into the river of divine revelation, and hone, as best I can, the ability to seek and receive specific insights and instruction from God. Twelve years ago, I thought it enough to live in the light-but as I have had to take steps into the darkness beyond the limits of my understanding, I see now how much I have been growing in the light.

I never want to stop learning to Grow in the Light, and I want to bring you with me! I hope you will find here a treasure box of knowledge, tools, practices, and friendship that will help you connect to God's light, nurture your own inner light, and expand the circle of your radiance.

Shine on, my friend


picture by Laura Pryzbyla